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CFSS 2023 Will Open with Filtration Market Opportunities and Trends on March 7

On behalf of all the members of Waterloo Filtration Institute and our distinguished Advisory Board, we welcome you to join the global industry leaders at CFSS 2023 Opening Ceremony on March 7, 8:00-10:30 am ET, for the latest update on the filtration market outlook, challenges, opportunities, and trends.

The Opening Ceremony will officially start the WFI's Certified Filtration and Separation Specialist Program CFSS 2023. Over ten industry leaders will present and share their visions of the future filtration industry with opportunities and trends. They will answer your questions live online.

Agenda (March 7, 8:00-10:30 am ET)

  1. Greetings and Introduction, Mr. Paul Marold, CEO of Aeristus, Inc., USA

  2. Introduction to Global Filtration Market, Dr. Christine Sun, President of WFI, USA.

  3. New Market Updates and Statistics, Bob Mcilvane, President of the Mcilvane Company, USA.

  4. Air Filtration Outlook, Opportunities and Trends, Sean O'Reilly, Global VP, AAF Flanders, USA

  5. Clean Air in Buildings: The Rapidly Expanding Value of Improved IAQ post-COVID, Tyler A. Smith, Vice President, Healthy Buildings, Johnson Controls, USA.

  6. Filter Media Market and Trends, Mike Clark, President, Filtration Solution, Hollingsworth & Vose Co., USA.

  7. Contamination Control in the Process Industry, Market Opportunities, and Trends, Dr. Matt Thundyil, President of Transcend, USA.

  8. Clean Air Filtration Promises, Challenges, and Opportunities, Dr. Iyad Al-Attar, WFI Strategic Director, Visiting Academic Fellow, Cranfield University, UK.

  9. New Challenges and Opportunities in Water Filtration, Richard Lydon, The Filtration Society UK.

  10. Filtration in Transportation, Market Opportunities and Trends, Dr. Cédric Vallet, Head of Product Management & Business Development – Filtration Division, Ahlstrom, France.

  11. Filtration in Industry Applications, Opportunities and Trends, Mr. Gianni Basso Bin, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Regional Director Americas, USA.

  12. Round-Table Discussion


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