Membranes in Filtration, Tuesday, August 11
Waterloo Filtration Institute (WFI) has completed all the required courses in the Certified Filtration & Separation Specialist (CFSS 2020) series with the last course on Liquid Filter Testing and Evaluation this morning.
Today’s course Liquid Filter Testing and Evaluation was conducted by Dr. Swarna Agarwal, Engineering Manager at Parker Hannifin, CA, a well-recognized leading expert in the global filtration and separation industry. It was an excellent and informative course, well received by the class. The course allowed participants to learn about testing techniques widely used in testing liquid filters for various applications. The WFI staff thanks Dr. Agarwal for her participation in this important subject and his well-received course.

A special thank you to our guest panelist Dr. Nicolas Petillon, CTO at IFTS (Institut de la Filtration et des techniques Séparatives). Dr. Petillon served as one of our panelists on this course in order to support our Q&A session. He has done numerous training events throughout the world and is an expert in the field of liquid filer testing. IFTS has been promoting educational programs and scientific researches in filtration and technic of separation for almost 40 years.

Reminder: Waterloo Filtration Institute will have another great course on August 11, 2020, titled Membranes in Filtration with Mr. Scott Yaeger President of Fast International. Register Now!
This course will provide you an overall understanding of membrane market, technologies how to make MF/UF/NF/RO membranes and how to achieve the desired performance characteristics for different applications, and how to convert membranes into highly functional filtration devices. Unmet needs and trends for future development will also be addressed.
Become a Corporate Member of the Waterloo Filtration Institute and see how we can help expand your knowledge in Filtration.
All CFSS Courses are Available on Demand:
Introduction to Global Filtration Market by Mr. Jay Forcucci
Nonwovens in Filtration by Dr. Gajanan Bhat
Filter Media Technologies by Dr. Christine Sun
Air Filtration I &II by Ms. Kathleen Owen et al. Particle/Air Separation, by Dr. Chao Tan
Gas Phase Filtration by Mr. Kevin Jameson
Air Filtration Testing and Evaluation by Mr. Bob Burkhead
Liquid Filtration I & II by Dr. Wu Chen
Face Mask Technologies I & II by Dr. Christine Sun
F & S for Industrial Processes I & II by Dr. Chao Tan
Solid Liquid Separation by Dr. Wu Chen
Liquid Filter Testing and Evaluation by Dr. Swarna Agarwal