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WFI 2022 Press Release

WFI 2022 was a resounding success! All speakers did an excellent job in presenting their topics live online as scheduled. "The quality of the presentation was top class, as well as the presenters. The annual conference covered all key aspects across the fields of filtration & separation. We also got great panel questions and participation." — Mr. Richard Lydon, Secretary-General, The Filtration Society, UK.

This year’s WFI 2022 conference – Sustainable Filtration Solutions for Healthy Living began at 8:00 am EST, December 6, 2022, with record-high attendance. The first session chaired by Dr. Ellie Amirnasr entitled Filtration Markets and Emerging Opportunities had many fantastic speakers with very interesting and pertinent topics. Our second session - Healthy Buildings with Novel Filtration Solutions chaired by Dr. Vijayakumar was also very well received with a variety of globally leading experts as our speakers. Finally, Mr. Mitch McCreary, Chair of the WFI 2022 Product Award Committee announced the winners for the 2022 Product of the Year, Innovative Products, Emerging Technologies, and Idea of the Year.

The WFI 2022 conference continued into its second day (December 7, 2022) with more interesting topics and another day of record attendance. Mr. Paul Marold – CEO of Aeristus Inc., led the program covering Advanced Filter Media and Products, chaired by Mr. Richard Lydon, and Sustainable Developments for Water Innovation, chaired by Dr. Thomas Peters.

The conference concluded with the WFI 2022 Graduation Ceremony of 25 new Certified Filtration and Separation Specialists (CFSS) across the world, who completed all the required courses and successfully passed the certification exams. The ceremony was hosted by Dr. Christine Sun. Congratulations, Class of WFI 2022!

Once again, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all our speakers, moderators, and chairs for the excellent program delivered during the WFI 2022 Conference. Thanks to all our distinguished instructors, panelists, and attendees for your participation and support. Together, we work towards a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world!

WFI 2022 Conference Proceedings Available On-demand

Session 1: Filtration Markets and Emerging Opportunities

Chaired by Dr. Ellie Amirnasr, Director of Digital Ventures, Mann & Hummel (Germany)

1.1 Healthy and Sustainable Buildings: Past, Present and Future, Mr. Tyler Smith, Vice President - Healthy Buildings, Johnson Controls (USA)

1.2 Sustainable Filtration Solutions for Healthy Living and the Environment, Mr. Chris Muller, Director IEQ Technical Services, Mr. Sean O’Reilly, Vice President, Global VP HP Sales & Innovation AAF Flanders (USA)

1.3 Advances in Filtration Technology for Health and Sustainability, Mr. Val Hollingsworth, Board Chair, Hollingsworth & Vose Co. (USA)

1.4 Acquisition: Complex Path to Filtration Success, Mr. Bob Mcilvaine, President, The Mcilvaine Company (USA)

Session 2: Healthy Buildings with Novel Filtration Solutions

Chaired by Dr. Vijayakumar, R., Founder of AERFIL (USA)

2.1 High Quality Air Filtration for improved Indoor Air Quality, Dr. Thomas Caesar, Director Global Filter Engineering, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies (Germany)

2.2 Improving IAQ with Effective Air Filtration by In-Room Air Cleaners, Ms. Kathleen Owen, MS, ASHRAE Fellow, Owen Air Filtration Consulting (USA)

2.3 Sustainable air filtration and HVAC maintenance measures for healthier built environments, Dr. Iyad Al-Attar, Visiting Academic Fellow, Cranfield University (UK)

2.3 Improvements in particulate and gaseous filtration standards aim to improve indoor air quality, Mr. Joe Gorman, Vice President - Product & Development, Camfil USA Inc. (USA)

2022 Product of the Year Award Ceremony (Mr. Mitch McCreary)

Session 3: Advanced Filter Media and Products

Chaired by Mr. Richard Lydon, Secretary-General, The Filtration Society (UK)

3.1 2D Nanomaterials for use in water filtration applications, Dr. Mark Bissett, Co-Founder & Chief Scientific Officer (CSO), Molymem Ltd. (UK)

3.3 Ultraselective Polymer Membranes for Carbon Capture, Dr. Richard Spontak, Distinguished Professor, NC State University (USA)

3.4 Pioneering the solutions and technologies that care for today and shape tomorrow, Mr. Daniel Locke, R&D Manager, Kimberly-Clark Professional (USA)

Session 4: Sustainable Developments for Water Innovation

Chaired by Dr. Thomas Peters, Senior Technology Consultant (Germany)

4.1 Engineering the Next-Generation of Membrane Materials Needed to Achieve Global Water Sustainability Goals, Dr. Eric Hoek, Professor and Director, UCLA Sustainable LA Grand Challenge (USA)

4.2 Membrane Capacitive Deionization for Desalination and Water Reuse, Dr. Chia-Hung Hou, Professor and Chief Executive, NTU Water Innovation Center, NTU (Taiwan)

4.3 Sustainable Beneficial Water – Our Planet Future, Mr. Scott Yaeger, President/CEO, F.A.S.T. International, Inc (USA)

4.4 Pushing the Limit on Desalination: An Update from the NAWI Research Program, Dr. Peter Fiske, Executive Director – National Alliance for Water Innovation (USA)

CFSS 2022 Class Ceremony (Dr. Christine Sun)

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