Welcome Dr. Iyad Al-Attar to WFI Advisory Board
On behalf of the Waterloo Filtration Institute team and WFI Advisory Board, we would like to extend our warmest welcome to Dr. Iyad Al-Attar as a new member of our advisory board.

Dr. Al-Attar is a mechanical engineer and an independent air filtration consultant. He is also a Visiting Academic Fellow in the School of Aerospace, Transport, and Manufacturing at Cranfield University, consulting for air quality and filter performance relevant to land-based gas turbines. In 2020, EUROVENT Middle East appointed Dr. Al-Attar as the first associated consultant for air filtration affairs.
Dr. Al-Attar received his engineering degrees (BSc, MSc, Ph.D.) from the University of Toronto [Canada], Kuwait University [Kuwait], and Loughborough University [United Kingdom], respectively. His area of expertise focuses on the design and performance of high-efficiency filters for HVAC and land-based gas turbine applications, particularly on the chemical and physical characterization of airborne particles. As a climate advocate and environmental enthusiast, he is currently very active in researching sustainable urban development and climate change with several academic institutions, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard Business School.
Dr. Al-Attar is a columnist in the EUROVENT Middle East newsletter, Climate Control Middle East Magazine, and ES Engineering, USA. He has authored many articles on air filter design, performance, particle characterization, and climate change. His extensive lectures, consultation for international firms in HVAC and land-based gas turbine fields, and broad publications have proved invaluable to air filtration, aerosol monitoring, outdoor and indoor air quality fields. Kyung Hee University has recognized Dr. Al-Attar in South Korea for his keynote lecture on the fundamentals of air filtration technologies. Dr. Al-Attar is an editorial reviewer/referee in the Filtration Society (UK) and the Journal of Cleaner Production.
At WFI, our mission is to support the growth of the global filtration industry and advance the sciences and technologies of filtration and separation processes for a clean, healthy, and sustainable world. We are thrilled to have Dr. Al-Attar on WFI Advisory Board. He is going to be an asset as we continue to work together to promote a cleaner environment for a healthier and better world.