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Sustainable Beneficial Water – Our Planet Future

Join Mr. Scott Yaeger, President/CEO, F.A.S.T. International, Inc. at the WFI 2022 Annual Conference on December 6, 2022. He will be giving insights on how we can make both small and large volumes of contaminated water into beneficial water economically.

Sustainable Beneficial Water – Our Planet Future

While the total volume of water on our planet is not changing, the amount of beneficial water is rapidly declining while the population requiring this water for substances is increasing. This is leading to a global crisis where there is not enough beneficial water to sustain our worldwide population. Beneficial Water is defined as water that can be safely used for drinking, cooking, agriculture, washing, etc. for both humans and all other living creatures on which our lives depend. While all water no matter how contaminated can be treated to make beneficial water, economics plays a major role in whether it is done. This presentation will give insights on how we can make both small and large volumes of contaminated water into beneficial water economically.

2022 Product of the Year Nomination

The award is set to promote product development in the filtration and separation industry for a clean, healthy, and sustainable world. Find more about the 2022 Product of the Year Nomination HERE.


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