Meltblown Technologies and Trends, June 27
Got a question on meltblown technologies? Intersted in new developments, opportunities, and trends of meltblown nonwovens in the fast-growing air/liquid filtration market? If so, join global leading at our upcoming course MeltblowTechnologies, June 27, 2023, 8:00 -10:00 am EDT.
Dr. Christine Sun, President, WFI, USA
Dr. Bryan Haynes, Senior Technical Director, Kimberly-Clark, USA
Dr. Gajanan Bhat, Chair Professor, Department Head, The University of Georgia, USA
Dr. Cédric VALLET, Ahlstrom, France
Dr. Peter Tsai, Professor, The University of Tennessee, USA
Mr. Steve Cox, Chief Scientist, Hollingsworth & Vose Company, USA
Course Objective
This course aims to give the audience an in-depth understanding of meltblown technologies (including process design, electret charging, meltblown nanofibers, etc.), web characteristics, and their unique positions used in the fast-growing air/liquid filtration markets, such as HVAC, transportation, residential, commercial, personal protection, and many other air/liquid applications. The panel experts will discuss new developments, opportunities, and trends.
Course Outline
•Introduction •Meltblown process design and web characteristics –History and key players –Fundamentals in meltblown process design –Process control variables and web characteristics •Meltblown Advantages for Filtration –Unique web structurer –Unique position in filtration •Electret meltblown polypropylene –Electrostatic charging techniques –Charge decay and durability •Nanofiber Meltblown Technologies •New Developments, Opportunities, and Trends –Q&A and Panel discussion