Liquid Filter Design, June 28

Liquid Filtration
Thanks to Dr. Wu Chen, R&D Fellow from Dow USA, for an excellent course, delivered this morning to kick off our Liquid Filtration Program (Liquid Filtration, June 21, 8:00-10:00 am EDT). We have already received several positive comments from our audience, such as "informative and enjoyable," "maximum inputs in minimum time', etc. We thank our audience for their participation and for submitting their feedback which helps us create higher-quality courses. Thanks to our distinguished panelists for their fantastic responses during the Q&A session:
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Peters (Director, Dr.-Ing. Peters Consulting, Germany)
Dr.-ing Nicolas PETILLON (CTO, IFTS, France)
Dr. Christine Sun (President, WFI)
The course was moderated by Mr. Mitch McCreary, Marketing Director, WFI.
Dr. Chen will continue to further discuss Liquid Filter Design next week, June 28, 8:00-10:00 am. We are honored to have Dr. Peter S. Fiske, Executive Director – National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) - LBNL, Mr. Scott Yaeger, President & CEO, Filtration and Separation Technology International, Dr. Thomas Peters, and Dr. Christine Sun joining us for the panel discussion.
Air Filtration
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WFI 2022
On behalf of the WFI 2022 organizing committee, we warmly welcome and acknowledge Mogul as our new sponsor for the WFI 2022 Annual Conference. Become a Sponsor.