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Latest from the Facemask Market and Technologies Webinar

Waterloo Filtration Institute presented another education Webinar today on the Facemask Markets and Technologies designed to further educate the public on methods to control the spread of COVID-19. The webinar counted with three experts in the field for the latest update on the facemask market, technologies and testing used to certify the masks used. Ms. Janelle Bentz, Nelson Labs, provided updates on testing methods, Dr. Peter Tsai, University of Tenessee, provided knowledge on the meltblowing and electrostatic charging technologies, while Mr. Bob Mcilvaine, Mcilvaine Company, provided updated information on the facemask market.

In addition to the presentation, we also had experts discussing and reviewing important topics in the Q&A session. There was significant discussion around the testing of masks and where the market is heading, plus questions about the manufacture of Meltblown materials for masks.

Particle/Air Separation The next WFI course will be entitled Particle/Air Separation. The course will discuss the techniques of particle removal from air streams, which are not covered in air filtration. Topics include cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, and wetscrubbers. It is important for air filtration specialists to understand these pre-filtration separation processes because they are often needed in the design of filtration systems.

The course will be presented by Dr. Chao Tan, a professor from the University of Waterloo, Canada. His teaching and research are focused on filtration and separation technologies for green energy and a clean environment. He has published three technical books and about 80 peer-reviewed journal articles in his area of research. His single-authored book Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases, released by Springer Verlag in 2014, has been downloaded over 40,000 times globally.

See More Courses in CFSS 2021 Education Program

WFI CFSS 2021 Education Program includes 22 professional training courses in F&S, especially developed and delivered by leading experts from academia and the global filtration industry. It covers air filtration, liquid filtration, filter media technologies, filtration market, and special filtration applications, such as hospital air filtration, gas phase filtration, cabin air filtration, engine air intake filtration, fuel/oil/lube/hydraulic filtration, facemask market & technologies.


Your membership opens the doors to many opportunities. It gains company recognition in the filtration community and shows your peers that you are dedicated to staying at the forefront of the industry with technological advancement and continuous innovation. Find out more about the benefits here.


LMS Technologies Inc. is another member and supporter of WFI. This company was established in 1996 as an independent air media and filter testing company. They provide extensive testing services for filter manufacturers across a wide range of industries including aerospace, medical, automotive, and HVAC. LMS Technologies was the first to develop a test system to measure the particle size distribution of paint overspray in a paint spraying operation. The system is also used to measure the fractional efficiency of a paint filter using realpaint.


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