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June 2, 2020 – Air Filtration Technologies, IAQ and COVID-19 Response

Waterloo Filtration Institute (WFI) offered the 9th course (Air Filtration II) in its Certified Filtration and Specialist CFSS 2020 Education Program on June 2. The informative course presented various air filtration technologies for different applications. Our topics covered HVAC, engine intake, cabin air, gas turbine, industrial dust removal, facemasks, air purifiers and many other specialty air filtration markets and opportunities. Speakers and panelists included Christine Sun (WFI), Joel Swann (AAF Flanders) and Jim Rosenthal (Tex-Air Filters), Bob Burkhead (Blue Heaven Technologies) and Kathleen Owen (ASHRAE 52.2 Chair). The course also presented the following interesting topics:

· How Air Filters and Air Purifiers Affect Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

· COVID-19 Air Filtration Responses

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation for all the speakers and panelists for their great efforts and dedication. Our next course will be Particle/Air Separation by Prof. Chao Tan of University of Waterloo, June 16, 2020. It will discuss the techniques of particle removal from air streams, which are not covered in air filtration. Topics include cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, and wet scrubbers. It is important for the air filtration specialists to understand these pre-filtration separation processes because they are often needed to in the design of filtration systems.

Reminder: WFI offers online courses live or on-demand at your convenience. You will have the access to both the handouts and course videos for your review with the course registration.

Courses Available on Demand

Face Mask Technologies I & II by Dr. Christine Sun, March 5, 2020

F & S for Industrial Processes  I & II by Dr. Chao Tan, March 31,2020

Introduction to Global Filtration Market by Mr. Jay Forcucci, May 5, 2020

Nonwovens in Filtration by Dr. Gajanan S. Bhat, May 12, 2020

Filter Media Technologies by Dr. Christine Sun, May 19, 2020

Air Filtration I & II by Ms., Kathleen Owen, et al., May 26, 2020


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