FREE Webinar - Cleaning Air Solutions During a Global Pandemic
Free Education Webinar Cleaning Air Solutions During a Global Pandemic February 23, 2021, 8:00-10:00 am EST
8:00-8:40am, Air Filtration in Response to COVID-19, Thomas Caesar, Germany 8:40-9:05am, Universal Method to Evaluate the Performance of Facemasks, Paolo Tronville, Italy 9:05-9:10am, Bio Break 9:10-9:40am, HVAC Air Filter Inspection, Installation and Verification for updated CDC COVID-19 Guidelines, Stephen Nicholas, USA9:40-10:00am, Q&A and Panel Discussion In addition to our speakers, panelists: Bob Mcilvaine, Kathleen Owen, Wendover Brown, Qi Dai
Presentations & Speakers

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Caesar, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Germany Dr. Caesar will explain the different ways coronaviruses can be transferred from one person to another, and no single measure on its own will give sufficient protection and will explain how to combine these measures for effective mitigation.

Dr. Paolo Tronville, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Dr. Tronville will present an innovative test method to measure the filtration performance of face masks based on the ISO 16890 series. This method provides a clear and complete performance assessment, in a much shorter time, and providing data uncertainty.

Mr. Stephen Nicholas, Air Industrial Technical Services, USA Mr. Nicholas will highlight and update the air filtration requirements associated with COVID-19 for actual field applications, such as hospitals, schools, commercial buildings, etc. Three T’s (Technical Tips – Tricks of the Trade and Traps to Avoid) and 3M’s (Measure, Monitor, and Manage) to secure an effective air cleaning will also be discussed.
Panelists for Q&A session
After the presentations, the Q&A session will have additional experts that will be available to discuss questions associated with cleaning air solutions during a Global Pandemic.
