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Filtration Summit: Latest Opportunities and Trends

Do not miss the opportunity this Tuesday to join global industry leaders for the latest filtration market outlook, new opportunities, and trends, March 7, 8:00-10:30 am ET. Below is the program agenda.

Agenda (March 7, 8:00-10:30 am ET)

8:00-8:10a Greetings and Introduction, Mr. Paul Marold, CEO of Aeristus, Inc., USA

8:10-8:30a Introduction to Global Filtration Market, Dr. Christine Sun, President of WFI, USA.

8:30-8:45a New Market Updates and Statistics, Bob Mcilvane, President of the Mcilvane Company, USA.

8:45-8:55a Air Filtration Market Outlook, Opportunities and Trends, Sean O'Reilly, Global VP, AAF Flanders, USA

8:55-9:05a Clean Air in Buildings: The Rapidly Expanding Value of Improved IAQ post-COVID, Tyler A. Smith, Vice President, Healthy Buildings, Johnson Controls, USA.

9:05-9:10a Coffee Break

9:10-9:20a Filter Media Market and Trends, Mike Clark, President, Filtration Solution, Hollingsworth & Vose Co., USA.

9:20-9:30a Contamination Control in the Process Industry, Opportunities, and Trends, Dr. Matt Thundyil, President of Transcend, USA.

9:30-9:40a Clean Air Filtration Promises, Challenges, and Opportunities, Dr. Iyad Al-Attar, WFI Strategic Director, Visiting Academic Fellow, Cranfield University, UK.

9:40-9:50a Global Water Challenges & Opportunities, Richard Lydon, The Filtration Society UK.

9:50-10:00a Filtration in Transportation, Market Opportunities and Trends, Dr. Cédric Vallet, Head of Product Management & Business Development – Filtration Division, Ahlstrom, France.

10:00-10:10a Filtration in Industry Applications, Opportunities and Trends, Mr. Gianni Basso Bin, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies, Regional Director Americas, USA.

10:10-10:30a Round-Table Discussion

Any questions need to be addressed? Please bring them to our Round-Tabe Discussion, and our distinguished panel experts will answer you live online.


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