Filtration and Separation in Water Treatment, Nov. 10
Waterloo Filtration Institute will host the next educational course: Filtration and Separation in Water Treatment on Nov 10, 2020, at 8:00-10:00 am, ET.
In many producing sectors, water is one of the most important resources interacting with several value-added chain steps. Here, pressure-driven membrane processes usually offer reliable and resource-efficient solutions. This course aims to help get a high-level understanding of operating principles, possibilities, and limitations of these membrane processes for the treatment of water, process fluids, and wastewater.

Upon completion of this course, in close cooperation with experts, you will be able to identify and design the adequate processes that can be used to resolve production-specific/product-relevant tasks in their respective water-related problems.

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Peters has over 40 years of experience in the field of pressure-driven membrane processes for the treatment of water, process fluids, and wastewater. Related pioneering work was focused between others on the use of reverse osmosis for desalination of seawater, for the purification of landfill leachate, and water reuse in different areas. He studied chemical engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) at the Technical University Clausthal in Germany and earned his Ph.D. in 1980 at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg on the subject “Production of drinking water from seawater with reverse osmosis“.
After leading management functions in a middle-sized and a multinational company, he became a high-level independent technology consultant and author of more than 100 publications and more than 50 oral presentations on membrane technologies. He is also co-author of different books and has contributed decisively to several membrane technology-related guidelines published by professional associations in Germany. Dr. Thomas is also co-editor of a landfill compendium. He has been awarded the Stanley Gray Award - Marine Technology 2000/2001 of the IMarEST, London, and the ATCP Award 2007, Concepción, Chile.
Find out more about the course and register HERE!
Introduction to Global Filtration Market by Mr. Jay Forcucci
Nonwovens in Filtration by Dr. Gajanan Bhat
Filter Media Technologies by Dr. Christine Sun
Air Filtration I &II by Ms. Kathleen Owen, et al. Particle/Air Separation, by Dr. Chao Tan
Gas Phase Filtration by Mr. Kevin Jameson
Air Filtration Testing and Evaluation by Mr. Bob Burkhead
Liquid Filtration I & II by Dr. Wu Chen
Solid Liquid Separation by Dr. Wu Chen
Liquid Filter Testing and Evaluation by Dr. S. Agarwal
Face Mask Technologies I & II by Dr. Christine Sun
F & S for Industrial Processes I & II by Dr. Chao Tan
Membranes in Filtration by Mr. Scott P. Yaeger
Nanofibers in Filtration by Dr. Christine Sun
Fuel/Oil/Lube/Hydraulic Filtration by Mr. Gary Bessee
Air Filtration for Hospitals by Mr. Stephen Nicholas