Air & Liquid Filtration Summer Programs
Liquid Filtration
Following the Liquid Filtration and Liquid Filter Design courses, Waterloo Filtration Institute is pleased to deliver another informative course Liquid Filter Testing and Evaluation this morning by Dr. Swarna Agarwal, Engineering Manager, Parker Hannifin Corporation, July 5, 2022, 8:00-10:00 am, EDT. We also appreciate Dr.-ing Nicolas PETILLON (CTO, IFTS, France), Mr. Al Vatine, President of LMS Technologies, USA), and Dr. Christine Sun (President, WFI, Canada) for their valuable input during the Q&A and panel discussion.
Our next course will be Solid/Liquid Separation by Dr. Wu Chen, R&D Fellow of Dow USA, July 19, 2022, 8:00-10:00 am, EDT. This course will focus on field separation associated with filtration processes from an industrial application perspective. In addition, pretreatment commonly used in the industry to enhance filtration and separation performances will also be discussed. It will be the last course to complete the liquid filtration program this summer.
CAFSS 2022 Program
The Certified Air Filtration & Separation Specialist (CAFSS) 2022 summer program will start on July 11, 2022.
Do you want to advance your career or find a new job in the fast-growing air filtration industry? If so, this 2022 summer program is perfect for you. Led by more than 30 top industry experts, the program is designed for professionals looking to advance their careers and graduate students looking for new jobs in the nonwovens and clean air filtration industry. Register now for 50% off! Match any lower price you can find!
WFI 2022 Chairs' Message
On behalf of the WFI 2022 organizing committee, we invite you to join the Waterloo Filtration Institute 2022 Annual Conference (WFI 2022), December 6-7, 2022, 8:00 am -12:00 pm EST. The theme of this conference is “Sustainable Filtration Solutions for Healthy Living.” It will be an international online conference to address the increasingly critical roles of filtration and separation for healthy buildings and the surrounding living environment. Read more...
The award aims to promote product development in the filtration and separation industry for a clean, healthy, and sustainable world. It will be announced at WFI 2022 Virtual Annual Conference. All members of the global filtration industry are eligible, and companies may nominate their own
products. Submit your nomination here.
