2022 Product of the Year Nomination

The award is set to promote product development in the filtration and separation industry for a clean, healthy, and sustainable world. The winner will be announced at WFI 2022 Virtual Annual Conference. All members of the global filtration industry are eligible, and companies may nominate their own products.
Product Award Regulation
Submission is FREE and
a. Product must not be over two years old
b. Products must be associated with the Filtration & Separation Industry
Deadline for Submission: Nov 1, 2022
Award Categories - Filter Element or Device - Filter Media - Innovative Ideas - Emerging Technologies
On behalf of the WFI 2022 organizing committee, we invite you to join the Waterloo Filtration Institute 2022 Annual Conference (WFI 2022), December 6-7, 2022, 8:00 am -12:00 pm EST. The theme of this conference is “Sustainable Filtration Solutions for Healthy Living.” It will be an international online conference to address the increasingly critical roles of filtration and separation for healthy buildings and the surrounding living environment. The virtual conference will feature the following four sessions, and each session will have four speakers (20 min presentation plus 5 min Q&A for each speaker).
Session 1: Filtration Markets and Emerging Opportunities
Session 2: Healthy Buildings with Novel Filtration Solutions
Session 3: Advanced Filter Media and Products
Session 4: Innovative Sustainable Developments